Thursday, August 16, 2012

Apple Dippers or McNuggets: They Both Suck

           Hello All! Darkmoonwriter and I, (Elf Alchemist) are pretty new to the blogging scene, we've been told to start a blog, but never have. All critiques and suggestions, are welcome. Unless you're too critical, in which case we'll ignore you. Now, to the fun part. 

        We've all been to McDonald's, the Golden Arches, the Home of the McFlurry and Big Mac. Whatever this franchise may be called to you, it's all the same. The same cheesy "modern" setting with the faux plants and dirty booths and chairs. Lately, the food, and service are. . . well, lacking. 
          First of all, their attempts to go "healthy" are driving me crazy. I love the cheeseburger happy meal, the cute little box, the small package of fries. . . Which are now gone! Disappeared! Vanished! MIA!  Instead of the small fry you get a quarter of the fries from the small fry container and a stupid package of apple dippers! The apples don't even taste good. It's like eating a piece of starch with apple flavoring. I know they have to cover the slices with lemon to keep them from rotting in the crappy, sealed, plastic bag, but even so! They still taste disgusting. 

     The whole reason I go to McDonalds is to eat food that's bad for me, because I eat healthy at every other place, so when I get apple dippers in my meal instead of fries, it annoys me. Now you may say,"I'd like a cheeseburger Happy Meal with a small fry please," and be confident that you will get your fries and not the apples, but it hasn't worked for me. The last two times I have been there I have asked for a Happy Meal with fries, I have still gotten the stupid apples. Which don't even taste remotely like the apples I get from the local supermarket.

     I want my fries. Not your stupid apples. Now over to Darkmoonwriter.

Hello, Darkmoonwriter. Here now, you can call me Dark. Now I'm not as passionate about this as little Elf-y over there, I more have a grudge against Wendy's who gets your order wrong TWICE in a floopen row. I normally don't have any problems with McDonalds.
       Thankfully we go though the drive though so I rarely have to deal with the crappy seats and bathrooms. I always get the same thing every time I go to McDonalds - the 6 piece chicken McNugget meal. I know those little things of deep fried meat are horrible for me, but they taste so good. As the rule goes for anything deep fried, anyway. Normally, everything is just fine and dandy and I can skip off into the sun set with my fatty food and be happy. But lately, some one has been eating one of my chicken nuggets. I ordered 6. I got 5. 5!?! Where did that ONE Chicken McNugget go!?!

        I would understand if more was missing, and not be so. . .rawr about it. But ONE!?! Really? What. Did someone decide to shove one of them in their mouth real quick before sending it out? Or are McDonalds workers really, really bad at math? (Worse then me? Impossible!!!) I know I just sound like a fat American being deprived of one fatty thing, I obviously don't need it. But. . .One Chicken McNugget? Really? Geez. . . .ok. I'm done ranting now. Go one with your lives. . .Until Next time! 


  1. I hate it when they give you Diet Coke in the drive thru instead of Dr. Pepper

  2. Fight the system man, fight the system =p
