Friday, September 14, 2012

Realizing the meaning of "never judge a book by its cover"

Everyone at least once in their life has sat though one of those                      "chic flicks" the ones taking place in high school with the troubled                              
teen star trying to find her place in school. the mean girls giving
her a horrible time, and her falling for the the most handsome guy in
school she knows she doesn't have a chance with. The movie normally
ends with the mean girls being defeated and her and the boy falling
for each other. now, I was the type of person to think that that type
of story was just some cheesy movie plot and belonged on the big
screen. but recently, I'm forced to realize that my life is a movie
plot right now, and the ratings aren't very high.

       Everyone shall not be named. I don't mean to hate, just using examples.
it all started in the 6th grade, I was new to public school, I had
gone to a private Christan school my whole life up until that first
day of 6th grade. about a week in, I noticed this one girl in some of
my classes. she was one of the popular kids you know?  she was             smart, Pretty, very social. and I got this crazy thought in my head one day
like "Wow! I really want to be like her!" She was kinda like a role
model to me at school. I'm a shy girl, on a scale to one to ten, I'd
most likely be a 6 or a 7, or maybe even a 8. Its so bad I will avoid
Calling or asking for something I want or need just to avoid talking
to people I don't know. So, to have someone make me want to change and
talk to more people, that was monumental. so I had a lot of respect
for this girl.
Then it all shattered one epic day on the bus. I was sitting with my
fellow blogger Elf-Alchemist, talking like we normally do. and she
just suddenly turns, and in short claimed we were a lesbian couple.
Just out of the blue for no reason at all, just because we talk often
i guess.
To me and elf-y it just made no sense AT. ALL. we have often said when
the subject is brought up we are DEFIANTLY not each other type. we are
almost opposites. she's smart and focused and proper. I'm Crazy, loud,
and annoying. She likes crafts, I on the other hand like art and
drawing more. so, us ever being closer (if for some reason we were)
magically not straight. . .and trust me. we both DEFIANTLY like guys.
 we would kill each other. the end.
      To have this comment made was surprising, and a bit rude., and
all out just childish for a 6th grader (then I later found out is
wasn't just her but almost everyone. my Friends and I are the few
mature ones who don't giggle in sex ed and die of shame if we get a
grade lower then a B ) So, ever sense that one afternoon, I have lost
all respect for that girl and think she's just as cheesy as the string
cheese she packs in her lunch everyday. I'm not proud of it, but i
hold a grudge. its been about three years and I still dislike that
the res on this was brought on is just because i had another encounter
with a very nice girl acting surprisingly mean to me, I hope she was
just having a stressful day and really didn't mean to act so rude.

Lesson learned here: Life's a flippen movie down to the falling for a
boy you never have a chance with. still waiting for the happy ending
though. . .

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Finding Clothes: Such a Chore

Hello All! Elf-Alchemist here with my complaints (again) 

Old Navy Jeans
               We've all gone clothes shopping in our lives, and we will continue to do so, but I have one question to ask: Why is finding clothes that fit me properly so hard? 
              I'm average height and weight for my age, (ranging on skinny) with a bit of an hour glass figure, all-in-all, a pretty standard. This being so, you would think finding clothes that fit would be easy right? Right? Wrong. 
           If the shirts aren't t-shirts, I have to keep going up sizes to fit my shoulders, and if it fits my shoulders, it's a tent on my waist. Therefore, my closet consists mainly of t-shirts. 
      Jeans, the marvelous invention by Levi Strauss. They've evolved over the decades, high-waisted, bell-bottoms, skinny, low rise, mid rise, stonewashed. The types are endless, however with the recent craze of "skinny" jeans, and "low-rise" it's becoming increasingly harder to find jeans that fit. Where I shop, according to the brand-makers, the only people that wear jeans are 6ft tall size-0 models, making me, (of rather average height) have to hem my jeans and look for the impossible half-size to accommodate my hips.
taken from "The Fashion Police" 
            When shopping for some new summer clothes I noticed something unusual about the short racks. They weren't there, the panty-jeans having taken their place. With hems so short I could see the pocket hanging down. I get that some girls feel completely comfortable in wearing short-shorts, however, they aren't for everyone, and frankly..I don't like my butt showing when I bend down. 
            Finally, after hours of searching you find a brand or a style with your size it's time too look at the price. In my opinion, clothes these days are horribly over-priced. I don't want to pay $30.50 for a pair of shorts I'll wear one summer, or $45 for a see-through shirt that I know will shrink in the wash. Many stores have a gimmick of  showing you "how much you've saved." This only serves to remind me how overpriced the clothes are in the first place.
          According to most of society we should all be tall, skinny, perfectly sized models who never have to worry about if the price is right. Why can't we have an average size? 
Mudd t-shirt

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Apple Dippers or McNuggets: They Both Suck

           Hello All! Darkmoonwriter and I, (Elf Alchemist) are pretty new to the blogging scene, we've been told to start a blog, but never have. All critiques and suggestions, are welcome. Unless you're too critical, in which case we'll ignore you. Now, to the fun part. 

        We've all been to McDonald's, the Golden Arches, the Home of the McFlurry and Big Mac. Whatever this franchise may be called to you, it's all the same. The same cheesy "modern" setting with the faux plants and dirty booths and chairs. Lately, the food, and service are. . . well, lacking. 
          First of all, their attempts to go "healthy" are driving me crazy. I love the cheeseburger happy meal, the cute little box, the small package of fries. . . Which are now gone! Disappeared! Vanished! MIA!  Instead of the small fry you get a quarter of the fries from the small fry container and a stupid package of apple dippers! The apples don't even taste good. It's like eating a piece of starch with apple flavoring. I know they have to cover the slices with lemon to keep them from rotting in the crappy, sealed, plastic bag, but even so! They still taste disgusting. 

     The whole reason I go to McDonalds is to eat food that's bad for me, because I eat healthy at every other place, so when I get apple dippers in my meal instead of fries, it annoys me. Now you may say,"I'd like a cheeseburger Happy Meal with a small fry please," and be confident that you will get your fries and not the apples, but it hasn't worked for me. The last two times I have been there I have asked for a Happy Meal with fries, I have still gotten the stupid apples. Which don't even taste remotely like the apples I get from the local supermarket.

     I want my fries. Not your stupid apples. Now over to Darkmoonwriter.

Hello, Darkmoonwriter. Here now, you can call me Dark. Now I'm not as passionate about this as little Elf-y over there, I more have a grudge against Wendy's who gets your order wrong TWICE in a floopen row. I normally don't have any problems with McDonalds.
       Thankfully we go though the drive though so I rarely have to deal with the crappy seats and bathrooms. I always get the same thing every time I go to McDonalds - the 6 piece chicken McNugget meal. I know those little things of deep fried meat are horrible for me, but they taste so good. As the rule goes for anything deep fried, anyway. Normally, everything is just fine and dandy and I can skip off into the sun set with my fatty food and be happy. But lately, some one has been eating one of my chicken nuggets. I ordered 6. I got 5. 5!?! Where did that ONE Chicken McNugget go!?!

        I would understand if more was missing, and not be so. . .rawr about it. But ONE!?! Really? What. Did someone decide to shove one of them in their mouth real quick before sending it out? Or are McDonalds workers really, really bad at math? (Worse then me? Impossible!!!) I know I just sound like a fat American being deprived of one fatty thing, I obviously don't need it. But. . .One Chicken McNugget? Really? Geez. . . .ok. I'm done ranting now. Go one with your lives. . .Until Next time!